Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Night in Montauk

Hi Cuties,
The mister and I had a lovely mini-getaway to Montauk this weekend.  It was off-season so we just spent one night there (not too much to do in off-season).  I think we've really mastered the art of the one night getaway, which makes me hopeful for some mini-trips once we have a little one (not that we're planning time away already!! or are we?).  I think that's pretty much it for a babymoon, so hopefully this trip will stick with us for a while.  Check out scenes from Montauk below (in absolutely no particular order, thanks blogger.)
montauk sunset
it was so windy out there!
freezing cold, so glad I had an extra hat in my purse
amazing dinner at our hotel, followed by dessert (missing bite)

treated myself to an o'douls at cocktail hour.  never thought i'd see the day
a nice gentleman on the beach took our pic.  took three tries because he didn't know how to use erik's iphone.  quelle horror! poor siri!

our giant hotel room at the yacht club.
montauk fashion

montauk fashion, part 2.  the only thing missing in this beauty is a baby bump.
the famous lighthouse.  we opted NOT to spend $9 to walk to the top one we realized there was some significant steppage involved.

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